The Emotional Survival Kit Course

Live and Lead as Your Best



Rebeccah Silence has been recognized as the Top Emotional Healing and Relationship Coach of 2022 by REDx magazine.

Emotions never have to get in the way of your ability to lead and perform, ever again!




Get Your Emotional Survival Kit
As Seen on Major Publications

Have you ever felt this?

  • You’ve had or have success, but it’s never been enough to fill that damn void.
  • You’re desperate for a sense of fulfillment, and you may even be praying for relief.
  • You've tried everything under the sun, every course, retreat, or method, without experiencing lasting change. 
“Gaining clarity and peace in my life has led to a leadership style of empathy and genuine connection that has proven to be the key factor in developing multiple high-performing teams.”
- Mark

What you get as soon as you press play:


Breakthrough Experience #1: Commitment.

Have you ever begun a healing or training process and got stuck without completing it all the way through? Do you worry that you won’t finish the process, follow through on your commitment, or that it won’t last? These are common challenges and fears, so we begin with this module, where I show you how to create lasting change. I will teach you my tricks to learn how to commit in a way that you never have before. If you’ve ever struggled with keeping a commitment, this module is a must.

Breakthrough Experience #2: Living.

Have you been feeling like you haven’t made enough of a difference recently? Or do you find yourself just going through the motions? If you’ve been stuck in a rut for far too long, this module is your way out. And if you have been wanting to find or enhance your purpose but don’t know where to start, watch this video. The processes I teach you here will get you on track to finding your own new and improved personal definition and experience of fulfillment.

Breakthrough Experience #3: Impact.

As John Mayer says, are you endlessly stuck in a cycle waiting for the world to change? This module is here to interrupt that cycle. You have more power than you know, and I will show you how to start using it today to reach more people and change more lives. This module will show you how to feel better today, operating at your best always, even without a single thing changing in your life.

Breakthrough Experience #4: Feel.

Are you often overwhelmed by the emotions you experience? Do you feel like you don’t even know what to do with all the feelings that arise within you? This module may be the most important and practical video that you will ever watch as I teach you how to handle and process any emotion you experience, knowing that you will be safe and sound on the other side. After watching this video, emotions will no longer be your enemy or the monster hiding under the bed but a gift that actually moves you in the direction of true happiness. This module is guaranteed to drastically improve your quality of life. 

Breakthrough Experience #5: Trust.

Do you suffer from trust issues, whether trusting yourself, trusting life, or trusting other people? Do doubts and fear prevent you from moving forward and making progress? This module will help you build an indestructible foundation of trust no matter how much you’ve been hurt or faltered in the past. You really can have a life where you trust yourself. Trust is available in all situations and circumstances, and after this module, you will know how to stay in trust, while allowing other people to support you and your vision, no matter what.

Breakthrough Experience #6: Confidence.

We all have moments in life where we are triggered, thrown off, or shaken by something around us. But these moments don’t have to derail our leadership, happiness, health, or success. The simple truth is there is a cost to being stuck; if you let life derail you, again and again, you will not be able to experience what you desire and deserve or serve in a way that you can be proud of. You don’t have to be stuck or stay stuck. This module will give you confidence and the inner knowing that you already have the tools to move through anything as you lead and serve.

Breakthrough Experience #7: Time.

Are you worried you don’t have enough time left? Does it keep you up at night worrying about whether or not you’ve done enough to help the way you know you can? Are you afraid that you’ve wasted time, that you are behind, or should be further along by now? This module will help you make peace with the past, create time in the present, and find the unique advantages of exactly where you are on your journey. Your life is yours, and it’s time to finally start living and leading your way.

These amazing BONUSES are also included in your course:

The game-changing Emotional Survival Kit Workbook, with practical exercises for each course lesson.

Emotional Emergency Toolkit, with meditations and paradigm shifts to help you when new challenges arise. 

Video bonus. Director’s Cut: Extended Teaching to Help You Stay Committed on Your Healing Journey. 

Beyond the Healing: Your 13-Week Accountability Workbook to Implement Lessons, Integrate Growth, and Make Wholeness a New Way of Life. 




Get Your Emotional Survival Kit

As a Leader, This Course Will Help You...

  • Know what the next right step is for you in all moments.
  • Experience peace, freedom, and certainty, no matter what.
  • Get direct access to the part of you that knows exactly what you want and become the person who gets it.
  • Learn how to practice self-care your way so you can honor, respect, and love yourself in any and all moments.
  • Get direction and clarity.
  • Feel better and more alive than ever before.
  • Learn how to set yourself free. 
  • Become genuinely happy.



Get Your Emotional Survival Kit
"Rebeccah will tell you that you deserve to live your BEST life, and it’s true! If you let her, she will take you by the hand and guide you to a place of healing and wholeness. Her amazing enthusiasm, wisdom, clear direction, and helpful tools will help you to gain the confidence you need to keep moving through your feelings and emotions. You will find an amazing sense of freedom on the other side, and Rebeccah will stay right with you through it all!" 
- Suzie
"What can I say? It really REALLY works. I resisted doing the work with her for as long as I could, but I finally relented and let her help me, and the results are life changing"
- Max
"I am free. The number one best thing I have done for myself".

You’ve wanted a sign.

Here it is—the key to becoming the master of your emotions and the true leader of your life.

It’s about time that you belong to you again. That you fall in love with your life again. I’d love to guide you back to you, so you can learn how to see the world through your own eyes instead of through the lens of other people’s perceptions and unhealed emotional wounds. It’s time to reinvent yourself and your one precious life.

7-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Not sure if this course will deliver? I am absolutely certain my system works. That's why I offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. If after completing the course you don’t see a benefit to the work you’ve done, you can get a full refund. My only condition is you send us proof that you went through all the course lessons and homework.




Get Your Emotional Survival Kit
"Rebeccah, THANK YOU for seeing, hearing, and welcoming me to share my journey with your beloved Healing is Possible community! Healing is Possible is a wonderfully sacred reminder of our innate power...It is an invaluable container for anyone with the audacity to believe they can have the new life they deserve!"
- Toy
"I am very thankful that I have Rebeccah in my life. It has been through working with you that I have been able to turn my life around and have been living my life by my dreams and goals, from a place of strength instead of fear!"
- Bethany
"Rebeccah is so authentic and powerful"
- Jennifer
"am connecting with myself again, with clarity of my journey. I love personal growth. I learned how to see my part and how I created my own challenges. No challenges once I got here! One more layer opened up. Soft and strong, Rebeccah delivered graciously".
"Now I can feel my feelings and take my space in this work. I learned to give myself permission to heal".
"So many people have larger trauma than you can imagine, and now I have never felt more connected to myself and women. I'm confident and fulfilled. It is beyond life-changing. I feel everyone should experience this".
"After this, I'm raising the bar. On the spot, healing was way more beneficial than ever before. I'm leaving showing the world the real me. I want everyone to experience this".
"I wanted freedom from the heaviness, and I learned how to uncommit from the shit and my challenges".
"I was more powerful and more connected because of other participants and the community. I learned how to just start being who I want to be, my highest self".
"I learned how much we are all connected, sharing pain in different ways. This was another huge step in my wonderful journey. I learned how to overcome self-destruction".



Get Your Emotional Survival Kit